Thursday, August 21, 2008

Why focus on differences when we can focus on our similarities ??

Differences is destruction

Something just prompt me to write this out...I used to be one of those people who would stand up and argue my thoughts out. However, it didn't take me long to realise that we can actually just focus on our similarities rather than on our differences. There is no doubt that all of us are different from every aspect, physically, mentally and even spiritually. Everyone has their own mindset, and the truth is if everyone fights to equate what we think, it comes down to violence and distraught. 

Why can't we get this fact straight into our heads? Talk about the things that we like, talk about common interests, don't you think the world would be a better place? It is because of people who want to justify their thoughts, their believes and that is why humans are still at war with each other (when they claim to have reached a level of civilization). Ironic...

Let go, if you can't accept something, DON'T go against it instead go WITH it. If you cannot come to a mutual agreement, then let that difference flow THROUGH you instead or going against it. All you people out there are trying to prove that you are right, but what you guys do not realise the destruction you are creating towards others, the people that you love and care for.

As god gave us free will, and I know many will never agree with what is written here, then again it is plainly your own free will and your choice, this is just an individual's point of view, if you cannot accept it then just let it pass through you..... don't fight back. 

Take what suits you and those that don't, should be very well left alone.

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