Saturday, August 2, 2008

Factory In Production!

Think... Think...

Did you know only one in two humans’ today posses cognitive skills?
Which are you?

You are probably the better half… Thinking about the questions is clear proof that you posses cognitive skills!

So welcome to our humble abode of the thinking minds.
We look at everyday experiences and thoughts from the sunny side. We break-down everything and analyze it from the postive perspective. =)

Why would we do so?
-Well, because we feel that this world is WAY too saturated with negative things defined as "realistic" but ask yourself, if positive feelings is a very real feeling and is experienced by everyone, everyday, how can positive feelings not be "realistic"?

We intend to be that light people talk about when in the dark. We want to shine light into their lives and encourage them to step out of darkness for we choose where we want to be in life. We can choose to be in the dark OR we can choose to live life from the brighter side.

So here it is,
A blog of the life journeys of two friends who have seen much from both sides.
Come join us in the path of enlightenment, come and bask in the sun.

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