Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Overcome: Feeling of "nothingness" part 1

It is a feeling of emptiness, monotony and negativity rushing in and out of your mind leaving you in a bershon state of mind. You feel you have no place in this world and everything is turning its back on you. Fortunately I can tell you that its just a phase of life that will and can be overcomed. Here are some methods that will help you overcome that dark phase.

An idle mind is the devil's workshop
As stereotypical as it may sound, its truth cannot be denied. Therefore you should fill your mind with an abundance of activities. Find different ways to do the same things everyday, unleash your creativity, and you will realise that life does not just stop right there and in fact, there are many mysteries that would unfold as the day progress. 
Here is an example of how I manage to overcome this phase. I really wanted to give in really badly and that very night, I took an initiative to draw out a calendar and rushed downstairs to get it printed. With that blank calendar, I filled it with all the events I would be facing, from exams to movie day-outs. And for the monotonous days, I would cancel out those days with a marker after the day is over to mark my victory in conquering that day. I swear that this calendar "thing" changed the way I look at my days...

Talk to someone, your best friend, or any listening ear
Just when I felt so dead lazy to even move a bone, I managed to talk to a very good friend of mine, one that would be there when you're down. As usual, he saved my sanity by flooding me with words of encouragement and positivity. This has also helped me look at the silver lining in every cloud and I remember him saying this...(continue to next topic)

"Just let the positive take control"
As easy as it sounds, just let the positive take control. We cannot avoid negative thoughts, that is why we need to accept both positive and negative thoughts. Let the positive remain and use the detachment method (by wakko_kookies in the previous post) for the negative ones. With these, I can focus my thoughts on what I want to think about, and those negative ones could just take a hike !

Set goals
It is hard to set goals when everything is going against your plans. But you must force yourself to set a goal, a tough one, one that is almost unimaginable and work towards it. Before you even reach that goal, you will realise that the destination is not important and instead the journey is what matters most... finally as you work your goal , u will also realise that you have control over this dark phase...

These are briefly some of the ways to conquer your idle thoughts... stay tuned for part 2

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